
Capoeira Senzala Summer Camp 2021

This year Capoeira Senzala summer camp took place on 13–15 August at our beloved spot – Jaaguranna (www.jaaguranna.ee/?lang=en).

Jaaguranna lillelaager is located by the seaside and surrounded by Pärnu’s forests and junipers. There are 7 bungalows where can sleep 28 people.

Capoeira trainings were carried out by Capoeira Senzala Estonia trainers.

In the evenings we went to sauna, listened a good music, and spent good time around the fireplace.

Thank you all, who participated in our camp! It was really fun to enjoy this marvellous weekend with you.

We hope to see you in the roda soon!

NB! Keep this positive energy going!

Some pictures of the summer camp:

Trainers of capoeira Senzala Estonia: Andris “He-Man” and Kristjan “Calado”
Members of Capoeira Senzala Estonia: Triinu and Masha
Member of Capoeira Senzala Estonia: Mathieu
Camp quest: Berta
Roda at Saturday’s evening
Teacher of Swing dance: Masha
Swing dance training
Swing dance training
Participants of the camp