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Capoeira Senzala Summer Camp 2020 | Capoeira Senzala Estonia
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Capoeira Senzala Summer Camp 2020

Big thanks to all participants, to our friends from Tambor Capoeira and to Jaaguranna’s excellent chefs and team!

Some pictures from our camp:

This year Capoeira Senzala summer camp takes place on 21–23 August at our beloved spot – Jaaguranna (www.jaaguranna.ee/?lang=en).

Come and be part of the weekend, where you can take part in trainings, spend quality time with others and enjoy marvelous Estonian nature. 

Jaaguranna lillelaager is by the seaside surrounded by Pärnu’s forests and junipers. There are 7 bungalows where can sleep 28 people.

Capoeira trainings are carried out by Capoeira Senzala Estonia trainers.

Delicious food is served several times per day to get energy for the trainings. We have also considered with vegetarians.

In the evenings we can go to sauna, make music, dance, and spend good time around the fireplace.

We are flexible with our trainings and we will consider with the level of all participants.

If you have any questions then write or call: kristjan@senzala.ee, +372 55656222

Participation fee: 80 €

Participation fee includes accomodation, catering, sauna and trainings. We wait for payment and registration until 08.08.2020.

MTÜ Capoeira Senzala Estonia
Please add to payment description: (participant name)/Capoeira Senzala summer camp